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There are 13 On Demand Archives in this Category.
Topic: Are Generic Drugs Just As Effective As Brand-Names?
Guest(s): Lisa Gill
Brand-Name Drugs vs. Low Cost Generics
Guest(s):Lisa Gill
Topic Info:Lisa Gill joins Dr. DeSilva to explain that drugmakers shell out billions of dollars each year to target consumers with their ads. In 2009, they spent $4.3 billion to reach consumers and $6.6 billion on promotions aimed at doctors, according to IMS Health ...
Show Date:2011-02-10
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Topic: Stroke & Heart-Attack Risks From Pain Relievers
Guest(s): Kevin Marzo, MD
Rx & OTC Pain Medications Can Carry Health Risks Featured
Topic: Weight-loss Products and Supplements
Guest(s): Sarah Matunis, R.Ph., Pharmacist/Clinical Coordinator for Rite Aid
Comparing Weight-loss Products and Supplements
Guest(s):Sarah Matunis, R.Ph., Pharmacist/Clinical Coordinator for Rite Aid
Topic Info:Sarah Matunis, R.Ph., Pharmacist/Clinical Coordinator for Rite Aid joins Melanie to compare weight-loss products, diet pills and supplements. She will give her best tips on getting the excess weight off and keeping it off!
Show Date:2011-01-12
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Diet Pills, Weight Loss and More!
Guest(s):Sarah Matunis, R.Ph., Pharmacist/Clinical Coordinator for Rite Aid
Topic Info:Sarah Matunis, R.Ph., Pharmacist/Clinical Coordinator for Rite Aid joins Melanie to compare weight-loss products, diet pills and supplements. She will give her best tips on getting the excess weight off and keeping it off!
Show Date:2011-01-12
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Topic: Natural Remedies To The Rescue!
Guest(s): Dr. Tom Bayne, D.C
Antibiotic Overload!
Guest(s):Dr. Tom Bayne, D.C
Topic Info:Dr. Tom Bayne joins Dr. DeSilva to discuss the overuse of unnecessary antibiotics and the natural, safe, and effective cold weather cures that can get you on the road to recovery much more quickly.
Show Date:2010-12-21
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Topic: Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance
Guest(s): Dr. Rodney Willoughby Jr., MD, FAAP
It is Get Smart About Antibiotics Week
Guest(s):Dr. Rodney Willoughby Jr., MD, FAAP
Topic Info:The AAP is a partner in Get Smart About Antibiotics Week, November 15-21. This CDC campaign raises awareness of appropriate antibiotic use, and aims to improve use of antibiotics in healthcare settings. Dr. Rodney Willoughby Jr., MD, FAAP, comes on the sh ...
Show Date:2010-11-17
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Topic: Safe Over-the-Counter Cold Medications For Children.
Guest(s): Ian M. Paul, M.D., M.Sc.
Safe Over-the-Counter Cold Medications For Children.
Guest(s):Ian M. Paul, M.D., M.Sc.
Topic Info:Dr.Ian M Paul, M.D., M.Sc. comes on the show to discus safe over-the-counter cough and cold medications for toddlers and young children. He will discuss his study on Vicks VapoRub for cough and cold symptoms, and also other safe remedies - such as humidi ...
Show Date:2010-11-17
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Topic: American Pharmacists Month
Guest(s): Joe H. Harmison, President, National Community Pharmacists Association
American Pharmacists Month
Guest(s):Joe H. Harmison, President, National Community Pharmacists Association
Topic Info:October is American Pharmacists Month and the *National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA)* is urging to patients to use the occasion to visit with their community pharmacist, and to talk with their community pharmacists about all aspects of their m ...
Show Date:2010-10-20
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Medication Management: Advice From Your Local Pharmacist
Guest(s):Joe H. Harmison, President, National Community Pharmacists Association
Topic Info:October is American Pharmacists Month and the *National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA)* is urging to patients to use the occasion to visit with their community pharmacist, and to talk with their community pharmacists about all aspects of their ...
Show Date:2010-10-20
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Topic: Public Health and Safety: Prescription Drugs
Guest(s): Dr. Sal Giorgianni
Has Your Rx Drug Been FDA Approved? Featured
Topic: National Association Of Chain Drugstores
Guest(s): Edith A. Rosato R. Ph.
*Pharmacies. The face of Neighborhood Healthcare
Guest(s):Edith A. Rosato R. Ph.
Topic Info:Supporting the nation’s 119 colleges and schools of pharmacy, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) Foundation has awarded $280,000 in student scholarships. The scholarship announcement took place at the Pharmacy Partners Scholarship Pr ...
Show Date:2010-05-05
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Topic: Tamoxifen to Prevent Breast Cancer
Guest(s): Angie Fagerlin, Ph.D
Tamoxifen to Prevent Breast Cancer Popular
Guest(s):Angie Fagerlin, Ph.D
Topic Info:The drug tamoxifen can be a powerful tool in preventing breast cancer in women at high risk -- but at the expense of side effects such as hot flashes. A new study finds that even when women understand tamoxifen's benefits, only 6 percent are interested in ...
Show Date:2009-12-16
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Topic: Science and Medicine: Infections
Guest(s): Nicholas Landekic
Potential Solutions to Resistant Infections, Including MRSA
Guest(s):Nicholas Landekic
Topic Info:Nicholas Landekic, President and CEO of PolyMedix joins the show to discuss a new antimicrobial polimer that can burst the bubble on antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Show Date:2009-09-30
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