Don't Be Carefee with Your Health this Spring/SummerDon't Be Carefee with Your Health this Spring/Summer

Show: Insider's HealthRadio

Dr. Myles Mittleman
Health Tips for Spring & Summer
Topic Info
Spring has sprung! For germs, this does not mean spring break or summer vacation. People get sick more often in the winter because they are exposed to each other more. But it is not the cold weather that causesthe cold, it just might make it easier to spread the virus. Sorry to break the bad news, but you are still susceptible to germs and therefore colds in warm weather. And, don't forget allergy season, which will affect 60 million Americans.

Dr. Myles Mittleman, an Otalaryngologist based in New York joins the show with some great advice and health tips for the warm weather months.
Guest Info
Dr. Myles Mittleman is a fellow of the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and is a Senior Ear, Nose and Throat Attending at both New York Medical Hospital of Queens and Flushing Hospital. He served as Chief Resident at both NYU-Bellevue Medical Center and the VA Medical Center. He continues to lecture and teach residents.
Danika Quinn
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