In a Heat Wave: You need SALT!In a Heat Wave: You need SALT! Popular

Show: To Your Good Health Radio w/ Dr. David Friedman

Morton Satin, VicePresident of Science and Research for the Salt Institute website
Summer Safety
Topic Info
In a heat wave, everyone knows you need to drink more water.But health experts say you also need more sodium from salt. The Salt Institute advises anyone in extreme heat that drinking too much water without salt can cause a potentially deadly medical emergency, called hyponatremia, with symptoms similar to heat stroke. Morton Satin, the Vice President of Science and Research for the Salt Institute website joins Dr Friedman to give life saving advice in this summer heat.
Guest Info
Morton Satin is the Vice President of Science and Research for the Salt Institute, and an internationally-known food industry and United Nations executive and author with extensive experience in all sectors of the food industry. He has authored seven text books in English and Spanish on the subjects of Food Safety, Food History and Irradiation as well as his most recent book entitled “Coffee Talk.”
Dr. David Friedman
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