Tips on Going Green from Tips on Going Green from "Eco Chic," Kim Barnouin Featured

Show: To Your Good Health Radio w/ Dr. David Friedman

Kim Barnouin
Going Green is Good for Your Health
Topic Info
Earth Day, April 22nd, is not just about recycling or climate change, it’s about better health. The pollution of our planet and how it affects our health have been well documented, including respiratory disease, heart disease, and even cancer. Harmful chemicals that include BPAs, toxins in cosmetics, and pesticides find their way into our environment and into our food and water sources. We are all literally sick of the status quo. On this week’s To Your Good Health Radio Show, Dr. Friedman talks with experts who can help you to live a little greener and be a little healthier and dispute Kermit the Frog’s famous saying, “it’s not easy being green.”
Guest Info
Before she was a "Skinny Bitch," Kim Barnouin was a high school drop-out turned model who only crossed paths with a vegetable on her pizza. Today she is the co-author of the New York Times Bestseller Skinny Bitch series of books. Kim has dedicated an "eco-chic" section to her website and will discuss how she's become greener and healthier through her favorite green products!
Dr. David Friedman
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