Using Your Body and Brain to Feel Younger, Stronger, and More FitUsing Your Body and Brain to Feel Younger, Stronger, and More Fit

Show: Ask Dr. DeSilva

Frank Wildman, PhD
Alternative Health: Movement Therapy
Topic Info
Renowned author, speaker and educator, Dr. Frank Wildman joins the show to discuss his movement therapy which can help reduce the age of both body and mind.
Guest Info
A renowned author, speaker and educator, Dr. Frank Wildman is recognized as a pioneering advocate for the Feldenkrais Method® -- a philosophy and system of movement that has revolutionized the treatment for pain and loss of energy associated with daily activity, exercise and aging. In 1985, Dr. Wildman founded the Movement Studies Institute, which has gone on to become one of the world’s premier Feldenkrais training organizations. The Feldenkrais Method is based on the premise that becoming more aware of one’s movements, and exerting less effort, can relieve stress, reduce pain, enhance agility and make life more enjoyable. As the first educational director of a Feldenkrais Professional Training Program, he has guided the certification of a host of practitioners and allied health professionals through the years. Serving as a president of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America, Wildman has also helped develop and define the standards of practice that are current guidelines internationally. Wildman is also the author of the popular Intelligent Body® series, a complete line of Feldenkrais lessons on audio and DVD, and the soon-to-publish Change Your Age, designed to rewind years of bad habits and encourage the discovery of innately healthy, pain-free methods of movement.
Book Title
Change Your Age: Using Your Body and Brain to Feel Younger, Stronger, and More Fit
Dr. Derrick DeSilva
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